Bus Policy
Bussing Guidelines
Every year questions are asked regarding transportation. Please note in the below policies that elementary students who live beyond 1.5 miles from the school are eligible to ride the bus. Those students who qualify to ride a bus are to be dropped off and picked up at their regularly assigned bus stop. Transporting students to daycare or non-related school activities is not allowed.
There must be a minimum of ten students for an established bus route. If students qualify for a bus and the route does not meet this requirement, a bus will not be provided. In this situation, parents may be reimbursed for transporting their child/children.
We appreciate our Transportation Department and the fabulous work they do. If you would like to review our busing policies and procedures, you can locate this on Weber School District’s website under Departments/Transportation.
Weber School District Elementary Education
Cami Alexander, Executive Director
Karla Porter, Supervisor
Safe School Policy
Weber School District Student Discipline Policy and Safe School Policy
I. Purpose The purpose of the policy is to foster a safe, positive environment for learning.
II. Prohibited Conduct & Related Discipline Prohibited conduct is forbidden at school, on school property, including school vehicles and at any school activity. A serious violation that threatens or harms a school, school property, a person connected with school or property associated with a person connected with school is forbidden regardless of where it occurs.
A. You WILL be removed from school for at least 1 year for a serious violation involving:
a real, look alike, or pretend firearm, or
explosive or flammable material. Exceptions may be made o¬n a case by case basis through the Superintendent's office.
B. You WILL be removed from school for:
possession, control, actual or threatened use of a real, look alike or pretend weapon, explosive or noxious or flammable material;
the sale or distribution of a drug, controlled substance, imitation controlled substance or drug paraphernalia;
using or threatening to use serious force; or
a serious violation of Section II.C affecting a student or staff member.
C. You MAY be removed from school for:
1. willful disobedience or violating a school or district rule;
defying authority;
disruptive behavior;
foul, profane, vulgar or abusive language;
defacing or destroying school property;
posing a significant threat to the welfare, safety or morals of a student, school personnel or the operation of the school;
possessing, using, controlling or being under the influence of alcohol, a drug, an imitation drug or drug paraphernalia or misusing any substance;
possessing or using tobacco;
hazing, demeaning or assaulting someone or forcing someone to ingest a substance;
inappropriate exposure of body parts;
sexual or other harassment; or
gang-related attire or activity.
The decision to remove or to discipline in some other way is made by your site administrator based o¬n all the circumstances.
D. The type and length of discipline is based o¬n factors such as previous violations, severity of conduct and other relevant educational concerns.
E. When appropriate, students will be placed o¬n remedial discipline plans.
F. School personnel will use reasonable physical restraint if necessary to protect a person or property from physical injury or to remove a violent or disruptive student.
G. If you damage or lose school property, then your official report cards, diploma and transcripts may be withheld until payment for the damage is received or the lost property is recovered.
III. Searches
A. School personnel can search you, your locker, your personal property and your vehicle parked o¬n school property based o¬n reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion may be based o¬n use of dogs or metal detectors.
B. School personnel can also conduct random searches that might include all lockers and other school property.
IV. Expulsion and Suspension Defined
A. Expulsion is a disciplinary removal from school by the School Board for more than 10 school days without an offer of alternative educational service.
B. Suspension is any other disciplinary removal from school.
V. Readmission and Admission
A. If you are removed from school under II.A, readmission depends upon satisfactory evidence that you will not be a danger to yourself, others or school property.
B. If you are removed from school under II.B or C, you can be readmitted after your parent/guardian meets with school officials to make a plan to correct your behavior and after you complete your days of suspension.
C. The district may deny admission to a student who has been expelled from any school in the last twelve months.
VI. Due Process
A. If you are removed from school or otherwise disciplined under this policy, you can meet with your site administrator to tell your side of the story.
B. If your site administrator recommends removal for more than 10 school days, a Weber District Student Services Coordinator will hear your case at your school with you, your parent or guardian, the site administrator and others as necessary. This hearing will be held within 10 days of your removal from school.
C. If you are removed from school for more than 10 school days, you can appeal the decision by writing to Weber District Student Services within 10 days of the decision. Your parent or guardian is responsible to plan for your education during suspension and to pay for any services not provided by the district.
VII. Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a qualified disability, your site administrator will explain the separate procedures that may apply based on the procedural safeguards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Attendance Policy
Comprehensive Attendance & Truancy Policy
This policy is to be used with Policy 4100 Compulsory Attendance and 4171 High School Citizenship / Attendance Policy in encouraging regular attendance to maximize the educationalexperience. This policy clarifies the obligations of the student, parent, and school authorities to resolve attendance problems. It further describes when and how a Notice of Truancy, Habitual Truant Citation, Notice of Compulsory Education Violation, referral to Juvenile Court, and a referral to the county or district attorney will be implemented. Each year the Weber School District Board of Education will review this policy and attendance data for the prior year.
Absence means a student’s non-attendance at school for one school day or part of one schoolday.
Valid excuse means an excuse for an absence from school and may include the following:
Death in the family
Approved school activity – as designated by the school principal
Approved absence – any other absence approved according to school policy consistent with state law and the Weber School District High School Citizenship/Attendance Policy, *Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Absences consistent with student’s Individual Education
Plan (IEP) or Section 504 accommodations plans
Absences due to family events/activities
Other absences approved by the principal
Most approved absences will accumulate high school attendance credit loss under the high school attendance policy (Policy 4171).
Truant means absent without a valid excuse.
Minor means a person under the age of 18 years.
School-age minor means a minor who is at least 6 years old but younger than 18 years oldand is not emancipated (legally released from the control of parents or guardian) or married.
School-age child means a school-age minor under the age of 14.
Notice of Truancy may be issued to a school-age minor who is at least 12 years old and hasbeen truant at least 5 times during the school year. This notice shall direct the student and the parent/guardian to meet with school authorities to discuss the student’s truancies and directs them to cooperate with the school district in securing regular attendance by the school-age minor.
Habitual Truant Citation may be issued to a school-age minor who is at least 12 years old who has either 10 truancies or has failed to cooperate with school authorities after receiving a Notice of Truancy.
Notice of Compulsory Education Violation may be issued to the parent of a school-age childwho is absent without a valid excuse at least 5 times during the school year. The notice shall direct the parent to meet with school authorities to discuss the child’s attendance problem and directs them to cooperate with the school authorities in securing regular attendance by the school-age child.
The Attendance and Truancy Policy will be included in registration materials or sent home annually. The policy will also be posted on the Weber School District Website.
The school will work with students and parents to encourage and promote punctual and consistent attendance.
Each school will inform students and parents concerning procedures to excuse absences as defined above.
Each school will monitor, periodically and annually, school attendance and evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs to encourage student attendance.
As described below, Notices of Truancy, Habitual Truant citations and/or Notices of Compulsory Education Violation may be issued when 5 or more truancies have occurred. In addition to positive measures as outlined in Implementation #2 above, a school administrator or designee may impose penalties/consequences on a school-age minor who is truant less than 5 times. Penalties/consequences will be imposed at the school level and may include, but are not limited to, in-school suspension, additional assignments, after-school or lunch detention, attendance credit loss, or community service assignments.
School personnel shall identify school-age minors who have attendance problems and make efforts to resolve the problem using truancy interventions (available on the Student Services Website), by contacting parents, working with the student, and enlisting the help of other school personnel. Interventions will be documented on the student tracker.
Weber School District authorizes school administrators or a designee of a school administrator to issue Notices of Truancy.
A Notice of Truancy may only be issued to school-age minors who are at least 12 years old and have been truant at least 5 times during the school year.
The notice shall direct the school-age minor and the parent to meet with school authorities to discuss the truancies and cooperate with the school administration in securing regular attendance by the school-age minor.
The notice shall be mailed to or served on the school-age minor’s parent by school personnel.
Weber School District authorizes District Coordinators to issue Habitual Truant Citations. Habitual Truant Citation
A Habitual Truant Citation may be issued to a school-age minor who is at least 12 years old, has received a Notice of Truancy, and has been truant 10 times during the school year or after receiving the Notice of Truancy failed to cooperate with school officials in resolving the truancy problem.
Students receiving a habitual Truant Citation shall be referred to Juvenile Court and the parents will be notified.
School personnel shall identify school-age children who have attendance problems and make efforts to resolve the problem using truancy interventions (available on the Student Services Website), by contacting parents, working with the student, and enlisting the help of other school personnel. Interventions will be documented on the student tracker.
Weber School District authorizes school administrators or a designee of a school administrator to issue Notices of Compulsory Education Violation.
A Notice of Compulsory Education Violation may be issued to the parent of a school-age child who has been truant at least 5 times during the school year.
It shall direct the parent of the school-age child to meet with school authorities to discuss the child’s school attendance problem.
It requires parents to cooperate with school authorities in securing regular attendance by the child.
It designates the school authorities with whom the parent is required to meet.
It shall state that it is a Class B Misdemeanor for the parent of the child to intentionally or recklessly fail to meet with the designated school authorities to discuss the child’s attendance problem or fails to prevent the child from being absent without a valid excuse (truant) 5 or more times during the remainder of the school year.
The notice shall be served on the child’s parent by school personnel of by certified mail.
If the parent intentionally or recklessly fails to meet with school authorities designated in the Notice of Compulsory Education Violation, or fails to prevent the child from being absent without a valid excuse (truant) 5 or more times (these are in addition to the original 5 truancies) during the remainder of the school year, a District Coordinator shall report the violation to the county or district attorney and notify parents.
If the student is marked “Truant” or otherwise disciplined under this policy, the student and/or parent has the right to meet with the site administrator to tell his/her side of the story.
If either a Notice of Truancy or Notice of Compulsory Education Violation is issued, an appeal of that action may be made to a District Coordinator after the parents have met with the designated school officials to resolve the attendance problem. The appeal must be made within 5 working days of the meeting with school officials.
If a District Coordinator issues a Habitual Truant Citation and/or a referral to the County Attorney for a Compulsory Education Violation, an appeal of that action may be made to the Director of Student Services or Director of Special Education (for students in Special Education) within 5 working days of notification to parents of that decision. The Habitual Truant Citation and/or the Notice of Compulsory Education Violation will not be sent to the Juvenile Court nor the District Attorney until after the 5 day appeal window.