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Important News from the School Nurse

March 19, 2020

Dear parents and students of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Green Acres,

I just wanted to reach out to you, and let you know that I am thinking of you. We are experiencing changes to our normal routine on a daily basis. During this time of uncertainty, it is important to remember that there are still things that we can do to help us feel better, and lift our spirits. Our physical and mental health can be supported by doing simple things every day.

I know that you have heard over and over again that there are things you should be doing to protect yourselves from this virus, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded. These include:

How to protect you​r family

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, but there are a few things you can do to keep your family healthy:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer. Look for one that is 60% or higher alcohol-based.

  • Reduce close contact with others by practicing “social distancing." This means staying home as much as possible and avoiding public places where close contact with others is likely. You should allow 6 feet between you and others who are not members of your family when you are out in public. Social distancing protects those around us, as well as ourselves, and helps to reduce the number of infections in our community.

  • Keep your kids away from others who are sick or keep them home if they are ill.

  • Teach kids to cough and sneeze into a tissue (make sure to throw it away after each use!) or to cough and sneeze into their arm or elbow, not their hands.

  • Clean and disinfect your home as usual using regular household cleaning sprays or wipes.

  • Wash stuffed animals or other plush toys, following manufacturer's instructions in the warmest water possible and dry them completely.

  • Avoid touching your face; teach your children to do the same.

  • Follow local and state guidance on travel restrictions.

There are also things to do to help your body stay healthy during this time. This includes planning nutritious meals, and being physically active. Your family can work together to plan nutritious meals that will ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs. You should eat a variety of foods from the five major food groups. Each food group supplies important nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

These five groups and typ­ical minimum servings are: 

  • Vegetables: 3-5 servings per day. A serving may consist of 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables, 3/4 cup of vegetable juice, or 1/2 cup of other vegetables, chopped raw or cooked.

  • Fruits: 2-4 servings per day. A serving may consist of 1/2 cup of sliced fruit, 3/4 cup of fruit juice, or a medium-size whole fruit, like an apple, banana, or pear.

  • Bread, cereal, or pasta: 6-11 servings per day. Each serving should equal 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup of rice or pasta, or 1 ounce of cereal.

  • Protein foods: 2-3 servings of 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish per day. A serving in this group may also consist of 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans, one egg, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter for each ounce of lean meat.

  • Dairy products: 2-3 servings per day of 1 cup of low-fat milk or yogurt, or 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese.

Since your child is home more than usual, their normal sense of routine has been disrupted. Here are four ways to keep your kids happy if they are home for long periods

  1. Create a routine early. Plan a rough daily routine with times for different activities: school work, exercise, chores, creativity or free play, and time on devices.

  2. Help them get exercise. Many sporting activities have been cancelled, but exercise is still critical for our children’s physical and mental health. Think creatively about activities that children and teenagers can do when confined to home. This could include a mini bootcamp in the backyard, an obstacle course through the house, physically active video games, or kid-friendly exercise options on YouTube. Being physical active releases chemicals in our brain that help us feel happy, and promotes a feeling of well being. Children ages 6-17 should get 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.

  3. Help your teenagers remain social through social media to bond with friends and peers. However, the quality of support they find there may be poor. Encourage them to remember to verify information they find on reputable sites like Our elementary age children will miss the company of their friends during an extended period of isolation. Supervised Facetime, writing letters or drawing cards, and sending them digitally can also be a way to remain connected to friends.

  4. Learn new skills. There are endless opportunities to learn new skills together through online platforms such as YouTube. This is a great opportunity to spend time learning with your child.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I am available by email at:

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Stay safe, and put into practice the things you can do to remain healthy during this ever changing times.

Jamie Abney, BSN, RN

WSD School Nurse